Hungarian Museum of Photography
Kecskemét, Katona József tér 12.
6001 Kecskemét, Pf.: 446
GPS: N 46.90520, E 19.69427
Phone: +36-76/483-221
Mobile: +36-20/263-26-32
Fax: +36-76/508-259
E-mail: fotomuzeum [at] fotomuzeum [dot] hu
Opening hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 12 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Hungarian Museum of Photography is free and open to the public.
Researching days:
The research service is available by appointment on Wednesdays between 10:30 and 16:00. Please submit your research request and concept in writing two weeks before the planned date by sending an emailt to fotomuzeum__kukac__fotomuzeum__pont__hu
A temporary change in the research service:
The museum's collection is partially accessible for research due to our changed storage facilities.
Thank you for your understanding!
- Author
- Title
- Categorization
- Picture
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Úszó békaszõlõ
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Vaccinium vitis idaea
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Valeriana montana
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Verbascum phoeniceum
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Veronica alpina L.
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Vetõvirág
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Viola canina
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Viola canina
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Virágos mezõ
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Virágzó növények
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Vízinövény
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Vízinövények - 1.
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Vízinövények - 2.
- photography / positive
- Vajda Ernõ dr.
- Wolffia arrhiza
- photography / positive
- Vajda Gyula
- Gyerekei karácsonyfa mellett
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- A fertõdi kastély udvara
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- A tetõn
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- A Vár felett
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- A Várnegyed késõ délután
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Ablakban
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Ady szobor a Liszt Ferenc téren (Budapest)
- photography / negative
- Vámos László
- Asszony és macskája ablak mögött
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Autóbusz a Bécsi kapu téri megállóban
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Az ember és az asszony
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Az Erzsébet híd és a Gellért-hegy
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Az Írók Boltja a Liszt Ferenc tér és az Andrássy út sarkán (Budapest)
- photography / negative
- Vámos László
- Az õrtorony
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Danubius kút az Erzsébet téren
- photography / positive
- Vámos László
- Déry Tibor
- photography / positive