Hungarian Museum of Photography
Kecskemét, Katona József tér 12.
6001 Kecskemét, Pf.: 446
GPS: N 46.90520, E 19.69427
Phone: +36-76/483-221
Mobile: +36-20/263-26-32
Fax: +36-76/508-259
E-mail: fotomuzeum [at] fotomuzeum [dot] hu
Opening hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 12 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Hungarian Museum of Photography is free and open to the public.
Researching days:
The research service is available by appointment on Wednesdays between 10:30 and 16:00. Please submit your research request and concept in writing two weeks before the planned date by sending an emailt to fotomuzeum__kukac__fotomuzeum__pont__hu
A temporary change in the research service:
The museum's collection is partially accessible for research due to our changed storage facilities.
Thank you for your understanding!
- Author
- Title
- Categorization
- Picture
- Markó Ödön
- Kodály Zoltán télikabátban
- photography
/ positive
sulinet / Communication
sulinet / Hungarian
- Markó Ödön
- Zsibárus
- photography
/ positive
sulinet / History
sulinet / Communication
- Markovics Ferenc
- Sára Sándor portréja
- photography
/ positive
photography / cover page photograph
- Mars, Christiane - Pavia, Fabienne - Sved, Yvett
- Étienne Sved Photographiste 1914 - 1996
- small printed matter / booklet / catalogue
- Martine Franck
- Macska a telefonon
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- A párizsi ócskapiac II. (Krisztus-szobor)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Albert Schweitzer
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Bisztróban I. (Férfi munkásruhában bárpultnál)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Deák Lajos kalocsai fazekas
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Fekvõ akt II.
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Fotogram I. (Két üvegpohár)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Getario / Getanio (Halászkikötõ)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Halász feleségek
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Halászok
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Ifjúság (Párizs) (Pár a Szajna-parton)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Jean Cocteau
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Juliette Gréco
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Kislány cicával
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Körmenet (Párizs)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Mankón
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Marc Chagall
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Nagy éjszakai bál (Párizs) (Férfi alszik a járdán, a falon plakát)
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Németh Andor
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Párizsi koldus
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Picasso mûtermében
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Pór Bertalan
- photography / negative
- Marton Ervin
- Pór Bertalan
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Rákászok
- photography / positive
- Marton Ervin
- Raymond Duncan párizsi képzõmûvész
- photography / negative
- Marton Ervin
- Raymond Duncan párizsi képzõmûvész
- photography / positive